The S.I.T.M. (Seiya is the Man!) is an organization composed of a bunch of Seiya-loving freaks. We love Seiya. We don't just LOVE Seiya, we are obsessed with Seiya! Or at the VERY least, we think Seiya is better than Mamoru (but this is NOT an Anti-Mamoru club! This is a PRO-SEIYA ORGANIZATION! See? There's a difference! Really... there is...). We are not ashamed to look to the sky and scream "Seiya is the MAN!" and "Seiya da BOMB!" (well, actually, only Callisto-chan says that, but hey... I'll start doing that too...). We shrug off all weird comments and looks we get from Mamoru lovers or just plain Moonies who don't understand our obsession with Seiya. Seiya is our anime god. Seiya is what we wish more men were like. We think Seiya is real and is going to transfer to our high schools. We have dreams about that sort of stuff (okay, maybe only I have dreams about that sort of stuff, but hey... who's to know?).
Frankly put, we're messed-up Seiya freaks who are determined to make our little idol the world's little idol!
And we'll do it!